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Screenshot 2023-06-13 180949.png
Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Looking forward to coming out of Lock Down: You might discover No Vax - No entry

Will you and your friends be ready to enjoy a social drink at a favourite pub or bar, a counter meal, a bit of live music, a bit of dancing and a lot of laughter after months of Lock Down?

AHA NSW advise that the NSW Government has announced that from mid October (possibly 11 October), all patrons of hotels in NSW will need to be fully vaccinated to gain entry.

Very simple - No certificate on your phone equals no entry. No IFS, No BUTs - Vaccinated "Yeah, come on in". Not Vaccinated? "Oh well, your choice".

And there won't be any need to argue with pub staff about your civil rights. It is their venue. They have the right to deny entry to anyone they choose and,.... it is the law.

There will be those who need an exemption pass because of autoimmune issues etc. No doubt the Govt. will provide a work around for them. Hope so.

Want more info? click on the QR code below which takes you to several links on how to obtain your vaccination approval.

As has been said elsewhere "This is not a forum for vax v no vax etc, we are just passing on accurate information as soon as it is available to all in our community without any judgement or prejudice etc."

Don't be surprised if this rule extends to flying, restaurants, cafes, fast food places... the list goes on... with businesses being required to have a duty of care to their staff and customers there is little surprise that they will need to consider their exposure to risk that equates to exposure to litigation as well.

So many of our small businesses have been through hard times. For more than a year they have been obliged to comply with the many changes in Public Health Orders to avoid penalties or breaches or fines.

With a light at the end of the tunnel that will allow them to reopen, to trade, to employ and hopefully get back on their feet the news that the Government are offering clarification of what needs to be done by way of orders such as this is a positive.

Be sure to scan the QR code for more info.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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