Mathew Hatcher - Mayor Eurobodalla Shire putting this week's Council Meeting on the record.
"We had 13 speakers for Public Forum today and a packed gallery - great to see.
Lengthy discussion about Council’s Aboriginal Advisory Committee recommendation to support the yes vote in the Voice to Parliament referendum. The recommendation was noted, with Council to continue to provide links to official information on our website >
"A notice of motion about heat havens will see a report come back to Council in November about potential to use Council facilities.
The Bay Pavilions review was discussed, with the findings and next steps noted.
Read the full business paper and catch the meeting recording later this week at
Editors Note: The Mayor's featured album this week is Aloha Hawaii by the Waikiki Beach Boys released in 1969. This album was on repeat in our household. I was 13 and my father was 34. I remember clearly his practicing the limbo in the loungeroom as it was the thing to at parties in the early 60's in the tropics.

Here's to a nice memory - Thanks Mat.