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Mummaga Lake : what isn't being said

The Beagle Editor,

The following may be of interest to those people from our Shire who have legitimate concerns re the prospective clear-felling of local forest land in Dalmeny to create a new suburb that will come close to doubling the existing village/settlement land footprint.

While this is all going on, Council have also put on public display this extremely detailed draft report for public comment.:

I draw your attention to the multiple parts that reference Mummaga Lake. Please note part 4.3.4 on page 59 on the risk of Urban runoff.

In particular this quote is pertinent. The draft report from the consultants, known as Salients, says that in regard to Dalmeny/Mummaga Lake, that :

"The opportunity exists to put some effort into analysing and explaining the importance of urban stormwater impact from Dalmeny to the local community. Any study can also be used to inform future planning for the expected increase in population at Dalmeny over the next 15 years (10%).

First thing: Are the consultants anticipating just a 10% increase in population for the Dalmeny location over the next 15 years ? And they also classify this as a 'High' risk anyway ?

If so, how does that equate with the recent decision by a majority of Councillors to approve the sale of about 40 hectares of bushland/forest, for suburban development, that will also facilitate the freeing up of a further 60 plus hectares of privately owned forest for the same purpose?

It seems that said consultants working on the Mummaga Lake environment coastal management plan, may have based their projections and recommendations in total ignorance of the massive potential environmental impact of the imminent clearing of the forest and bush land immediately adjoining the Mummaga lake/ecoll.

I note also that this seems to have somehow gone out, under the radar, and hardly anyone I have met or talked to, has even been aware of it. Please note that Submissions on the 'Draft Estuaries Management Plans' which includes Mummaga, as well as Wagonga Inlet and Moruya River are on 'public exhibition' until 5 January.

There needs to be an acknowledgement that the proposed razing and development of higher aspect Dalmeny forest and bush land as well as subsequent infrastructure diggings, road works, sewer installations, water pipe provision etc., must be seen as a part of the Mummaga Lake coastal management plan. Failure to do so could present a potential catastrophe of runoff of sediment fuelled stormwater to the detriment of the whole Mummaga Lake and surrounding ecosystem.

Just some thoughts...cheers. Pat McGinlay

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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