The Beagle Editor, In these times when fundraising is no easy task the Narooma and Districts Lion Club have looked to new avenues to raise funds to support our local community.
If you are a wine person or just want to have a gift to share with work colleagues, friends or family at Christmas, then you might consider supporting us by buying some wines which will then bring funds to our local area.
You can choose between a number of wines, (3 whites and 3 reds) as well as a special offer of a fine aged port and a multi-award winning Muscat. Minimum order is 6 and all orders are multiples of 6 (Eg. 6, 12, 18, 24...etc)
You can order here
The wine drive will close on Monday 16th November, about the time that our marvellous Christmas Cakes and Puddings will hit the stands. What a cheerie thing to look forward to.
Thank you for your support.
Ricci Bishop, PR for Narooma and District Lions Club