Monday, 12th Sept, 21 ladies competed in a medley stableford event.
Two divisions: Div 1: 0-20: Div 2: 21-45
Division 1 winner was Warwick Georgeson from Carnarvon Golf Club with a score of 38 off handicap of 19.
Division 2 winner was Jane Blomfield with a score of 40 off handicap of 38.
Balls to 35 C/B
Nearest to pin
Hole 3 Div 2 Mary Young
Hole 9 Div 3 Chris Hendra
Hole 17 Div 1 John Harmey
Wednesday, 14th September, 20 ladies competed in September Stroke Monthly Medal event.
Div 1: 0-24 Div 2: 25-45
Monthly medal and division one winner with a nett score of 69 off handicap of 18 was Tanya Desmond.
Division two winner was Margaret Brown with a nett score of 71 off handicap of 32.
Balls to 75 C/B
Nearest to pin
Hole 9 Div 2 Janice Eardley
Hole 14 Div 3 Patricia Bennett
We also had 15 ladies play stableford and the overall winner was Patricia Bennett with a score of 39 off handicap of 39
Balls to 34

Jenny Walker presenting Margaret Brown with her prize for division 2 winner in the Monthly Medal event.