Narooma High School student, Paramveer Singh has been crown the winner of the biggest Bollywood Singing Challenge in Australia, the Swar Taj, hosted by Bobby Singh and Saloni Sareen.
The Australian Grand final held on Saturday 15th May 2021 at Bowman Hall in Blacktown saw the thirteen finalists compete.
The winner on the night was selected by a panel of judges with Paramveer crowned as the 2021 winner, rewarded with a life time opportunity to record his first song with a renowned music director from Bollywood.
His song Channa Mereya ( translated as The light of my soul) is a song from the Indian film Ae Dil Hai Mushkil composed by Pritam (One of the Beagle's favourite composers responsible for the soundtrack of Dhoom)
VIDEO: Swartaj 2021 sponsored by Bollyvision Australia - held in Sydney on 15 May 2021 Enjoy this performance by Paramveer before he was crowned winner for 2021