Members of Narooma VIEW Club really enjoyed the presentation by their luncheon guest Margaret Moran. A true ‘multi-talent’ Margaret, who is a musician and singer as well as an artist in pastels, oils watercolours and pen and ink, spoke of her journey as an artist.
Having given up full time work to be with her young children, Margaret decided she needed to ‘do’ something so chose tentatively to paint and exhibit. Not surprisingly (to the VIEW members who were being shown examples of her work), her initial paintings sold, and she realized that art was a path she was destined to follow.
Of course, even amazing talent needs fostering and honing, so Margaret worked to gain a degree in art which then assisted in opening a world of gallery exhibiting, new mediums, teaching and indeed sales. As well as being sought after in various galleries in NSW including Sydney, Victoria including Melbourne and ACT, Margaret entered art competitions. She confided to the VIEW members that she had had some success in this area, having been awarded nearly 200 prizes for her works.
After her children were grown, Margaret travelled extensively around Australia. She showed her audience photos of her van – adorned with amazing scenes. Margaret told us that wildlife quickly got out of the way when they sighted the wedge-tailed eagle she had painted on the front!
Her artwork from those travels brought sighs of appreciation from her audience. The pen, ink and wash studies stood out. When asked how long each took, Margaret modestly said “about an hour, or two” – then the sighs turned to gasps of amazement!
It was both a pleasure and a privilege to listen to Margaret and to watch the examples of her work, especially when she demonstrated how her work evolves. For example, the many stages of a pastel piece. As you can imagine, when Margaret’s presentation finished, all the VIEW Club ladies were so appreciative of her talents and the time she had given them.
If you would like to listen to interesting and educational presenters like Margaret and have a lovely conversational lunch as well, why not join the Narooma VIEW Club? The Club meets on the 4th Friday of the month for lunch at Narooma Golf Club at 11am. Apart from having fun, you will also be assisting the Smith Family’s Learning for Life program.