With the focus now on "happenings" in politics and the announcement by Liberal State Member Andrew Constance that he is/has resigned from State Parliament, and intends to stand for preselection for the Federal Seat of Gilmore, he region's Representative on State Executive has made it quite clear, via an email to Liberal party members, that there will be a full Preselection process according to the Liberal Party of NSW Constitution. It is understood that this will require a full membership plebiscite. In a leaked email to The Beagle it states: "This assurance is given, not because of any reflection on Andrew but because of the “shambles” in Gilmore at the last election which undoubtedly cost us the seat!
There is no suggestion that Andrew Constance will be "parachuted in as the Preselected Candidate".
Liberal nominations for Gilmore open on November 1st.
Meanwhile the soon to retire Mayor of Eurobodalla, Liz Innes, has announced she will be running as a Liberal candidate, subject to endorsement at preselection, in the NSW Bega electorate.