At next week's Council meeting (August 24th 2021) the proposal will be put forward seeking approval to install ‘No Right Turn’ signage on traffic signal posts at the intersection of Beach Road and Flora Crescent, Batemans Bay so that west bound vehicles on Beach Road are banned from turning right.
NSW Police have raised concerns that when westbound vehicles on Beach Road turn right (to the north) at the Flora Crescent signalised intersection it presents a road safety risk of rear end collisions and crashes with pedestrians.
This intersection has a ‘T’ configuration with Flora Crescent to the south. There are several businesses that access Beach Road via driveways to the north however there is no vehicle activated sensor on this ‘4th leg’.
It is proposed to install ‘No Right Turn’ signage on 3 of the signal posts viewed by drivers travelling west on Beach Road.
These vehicles can practically access the northern driveways by either undertaking a ‘U’ turn at Perry Street roundabout or travel around to Flora Crescent and enter the driveways from the south.
Photos of the site marked up with the location of the ‘No Right Turn’ signage were reviewed by the Committee.
The Committee agreed that installing ‘No Right Turn’ signage will reduce the risk to all road users. The Transport for NSW representative advised that Traffic Signals are operated by TfNSW and an officer will contact Council to determine the installation process for the signage.