NSW RFS advise (11am 5/12/2019) that today will be a long and challenging day.
"There's currently more than 100 bush fires burning across NSW. Around half are not yet contained.
"With high temperatures and strong winds forecast, a number of these fires are expected to threaten communities and homes.
"A southerly change isn't due in most areas until late tonight - like the Shoalhaven around 5pm, and Sydney around 11pm.
"Stay up to date on bush fires in your area today. Take action and know what you will do if you're threatened by fire.

Above: This is the NSW RFS State Operations Centre this morning where fire agencies including the NSW RFS, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service and Forestry Corporation, as well as key support agencies such as Bureau of Meteorology and NSW Police Force are working together on the state's continuing bush fire situation. Interstate and overseas fire agencies also have representation here, helping coordinate the movement of thousands of firefighters in the field.