📍 A decision on the Moruya Rodeo licence
The Rodeo Association of Moruya Inc (Rodeo Association) has been conducting the Moruya Rodeo at the Moruya Showground on New Year’s Day for a number of decades.
A request has been received from the Rodeo Association for a renewal of the licence to use the Moruya Showground for the Moruya Rodeo for a period of five years (Licence Proposal). In accordance with section 47A of the Local Government Act 1993, the Licence Proposal was publicly notified for an extended period from 7 December 2022 to 31 January 2023.
A large number of submissions have been received both in support and in objection to the Licence Proposal. Petitions have also been received both for and against the Licence Proposal. The petition against the renewal was tabled at Council on 22 November 2022 and the petition in support of the renewal is to be tabled.
RECOMMENDATION THAT 1. Council receive and note the petition ‘Rodeos in Eurobodalla’. 2. Council notes it has considered the submissions and petitions received in relation to the requested renewal of the licence for the Moruya Rodeo. 3. Council considers the following options:
Option 1: That Council grant a five-year licence to the Rodeo Association of Moruya to conduct the annual Moruya Rodeo within Crown Reserve 580020, Moruya Showground, including the following conditions: (a) The licence fee in accordance with Council’s adopted fees and charges. (b) Provision of evidence of $20 million public liability insurance. (c) All relevant legislation, in particular in relation to animal welfare, must be complied with. (d) Licence conditions generally in line with the previous licence and the standard Crown licence.
Option 2: That Council does not approve a renewal of the licence for the Moruya Rodeo.
📍 A request for exemption from developer contributions for St Peters Anglican College
📍 A policy dealing with Council-related development applications
📣 PUBLIC ACCESS @ 9.30am - speak to councillors on any council-related topic. Register by midday Monday 27 March
📣 PUBLIC FORUM @ 10.30am - speak to councillors about items on the agenda - register by midday Monday 27 March
Join in the Council Chamber or watch the webcast. Full agenda, public forum and public access info, plus online viewing here > www.esc.nsw.gov.au/meetings