Dear Councillors & ESC Council
I am a current resident and home owner in Surfside and have lived in Bateman’s Bay for over 46yrs.
I am very concerned with the gravity of the situation bought to my attention regarding councils CMP,CVA, IPCC and Hazard Codes plans.
These were bought to my attention at a recent meeting of the Surfside Engineers Group comprising of Viv Sethi, Graeme Shoobridge. David Webster, Rosemary Deadman
and concerned Surfside residents on Saturday 29th October.
Firstly I would like to say that residents received notice by mail on Friday 28th October with only eight business days to submit our objections and concerns to these proposals.
Many homeowners from Surfside do not reside here permanently so would not have received the letter box drop.
Eight business days is not an adequate amount of time to respond in an informed manner therefore an extension time is required with respect to Surfside residents.
As published 25/2/2019 in the Bay Post/Moruya Examiner and Beagle Weekly Andrew Constance and Gabrielle Upton met with Surfside residents and promised $250,000
to “find how to protect Surfside from inundation” and Ms Upton stated that $5million in funding was reserved to help find a solution in consultation with Residents, Roads.
And Maritime Services and Council. She stated that RMS, Crown Lands, GHD, OEH. And Dept. Planning and Environment had been brought together in a coordinated effort
to resolve the Coastal Management issues impacting homes and futures.
Where is the $250,000? What happened to the $5million that was reserved to help find a solution?
Property values will plummet , rates will increase and we won’t be able to sell our homes as the insurances will be too high(if the insurance companies will insure us at all!)
The banks will not lend mortgages without home insurance. Some parts of Lake Conjola (Shoalhaven Council) are already seeing these trends.$20,000 p/a is NOT doable!
Also if the Coastal inundation maps (Rhelm) 1yr, 20yr, 100yr ARI Surfside are “accurate” then why is Council acquiescing to NSW State Governments approval to the huge
resort development at the end of Myamba Pde/ Cullendulla?
Also there are 4x Commercial Blocks that are in Councils Portfolio(owned by Council) 2 being on corner of The Vista and Wallaringa St and 2 on The Vista and Myamba Pde that have recently been put up for Auction and For Sale.
Also 1x residential block on the corner of Timbara Crescent and Bayview St?
How can Council be so bold as to ”Sell Off” these properties to unsuspecting purchasers for future approval and promise of development if the CMP data is accurate? (Perhaps
“A Scramble for the Coffers?”)
There have been MANY engineering consultants engaged by Council and paid for( with rate payers monies) GHD, Whitehead and Associates and of course Rhelm just to name a few.
One would wonder , are Council’s pursuance of these numerous reports suited to Councils questionable aims and objectives?
Feona Baranowski
Concerned Surfside Resident