Elaine Schutt has sent in some of the photos that her granddaughter, Cassidy
Drayton, took of what is believed to be the remains of a the boat ramp built by the Australian Defence Forces as part of a large military exercise, perhaps in the 1960s.
Elaine writes "The boat ramp was left in place after the exercise concluded, to be eventually destroyed in a storm, however the remains were never removed. "I have also heard that the timbers came from a bridge that was removed in South Durras...hopefully some more information may come to light."
If anyone has any old photos of the Long Beach Boat ramp you might like to add them in the comments and be sure to send a copy to Long Beach Community Association 2536
The Long Beach community held a celebration of "Long Beach – Past and Present" on Sunday 11th June, 2017. Below are some of the many photos that made an appearance.

Above: The boat ramp left high and dry after a storm at Maloneys Beach (Not Long Beach)