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Writer's pictureThe Beagle

POSTPONED: Reviving The Clyde Feb 1st 2022

OzFish Invites The Community To Enjoy A Drink And Learn How They Can Make A Real Contribution To Reviving The Clyde. POSTPONED TO A DATE YET TO BE ADVISED

Whether it be estuarine species, such as the well-targeted flathead or mulloway, or heading into the upper reaches for Australian Bass – the Clyde system fishes well all year round. It’s a beautiful waterway, rich in marine life however following the Black Summer bushfire, floods and increased human pressures the waterway has been under growing stress. Fortunately, South East Local Land Services (SELLS) have been carrying out significant habitat restoration projects in the area and now you can now be part of making a genuine difference and supporting the fishery to not only survive but thrive.

The community is invited to come along to the “Revive the Clyde” evening to learn from leading scientists, fisheries and habitat experts and media personalities to get the latest info on what’s being done and how the community can take the lead. Canapés will be provided, and drinks can be purchased from the bar. Cheers to that! Speakers:

Byron Dale – South East Local Land Services: Clyde River Bank stabilisation project Carla Ganassin – NSW DPI Fisheries: Reviving the Clyde: from brackish to brine + Wagonga Oyster Reef Project Steve ‘Starlo’ Starling – Recreational fisher and OzFish Ambassador: Stories of fishing the Clyde, and some techniques for targeting different species in the system Angus Fanning – OzFish Unlimited and the University of Newcastle: Citizen Science informing restoration success and the marine environment Bernadette Davies – Eurobodalla Shire Council: Council projects and opportunities to give back to the environment through council events

The talks are provided by the Australian Governments Regional Land Partnerships program – Clyde River Fish Habitat Grant and supported by OzFish through their partnership with BCF – Boating, Camping, Fishing.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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