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Rodeos: Council wants to hear your views

Dear Beagle Editor and Readers

The Moruya Rodeo Association wants a five-year renewal of its licence, and Council wants to hear your views.

Rodeos involve distress, fear and potential serious injury to the animals involved.

Rodeos need a special exemption from the NSW Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Act 1979 to happen at all. Why? Because otherwise the people running them would be breaking the law and committing animal cruelty offences.

Rodeos involve the following types of events (as described on RSPCA Australia's website): Bronco and bull riding: Rodeo horses and bulls buck repeatedly as an instinctive reaction to being repeatedly kicked with metal spurs and to the tightened flank strap around their sensitive underbelly. Horses and cattle are prey animals and their reaction to being ridden in this way is the same as their reaction to being attacked by a predator, a situation where they experience increased fear, stress and panic. It is not uncommon to see horses and bulls hurl themselves at solid objects in order to rid themselves of the rider Calf roping: Injury risks include damage to the calf’s neck (soft tissue, windpipe and spine), bruising, broken ribs and choking. A Queensland study has shown that rodeo calves experience stress. A further study by the University of Sydney has also revealed that observers who assessed still images of calves being chased could recognise that they were frightened, stressed and anxious. Steer wrestling: As well as the fear of being chased and forced to the ground in a rough manner, steers have had their horns damaged with deaths occurring due to their neck being broken. Other injury risks in steer wrestling include damage to the animal’s windpipe and muscle and tissue bruising. Animals Australia says: Rodeos are a cruel spectator sport, condemned by all animal protection organisations, in which bulls, horses and sometimes other animals are physically provoked into displaying ‘wild’ behaviour by the use of such devices as spurs, electric prods and flank straps. Animals suffer many kinds of injuries and are sometimes killed as a result. PETA Australia says: In Australia and New Zealand, thousands of animals are used in hundreds of rodeo events every year. Countless animals suffer catastrophic injuries, and many die. The few regulations that are in place at rodeos are not effective in preventing injuries or deterring abusive treatment. Animals used in rodeos are physically provoked to ensure they’ll “put on a show”. Workers painfully twist horses’ and cows’ tails and jolt them with electric prods in order to make them bolt out of the chute. To make animals buck, they are viciously kicked and spurred, and straps are tightened around their abdomens. Rodeos are banned in the ACT, the United Kingdom and in some states of the USA, and the above quotes show why. Eurobodalla Shire Council's decision on the renewal of the rodeo licence will be based on the submissions it receives (as stated in the resolution carried at the Council meeting of 22 November this year). I am therefore appealing to all Beagle readers to please speak up for the animals, and let the Council know that cruelty to sentient creatures cannot pass as entertainment in the 21st century. A few minutes of your time could make a world of difference to many animals. Louise Webb

Public notice: Licence for Moruya Rodeo

Closing date for submissions: Tuesday 31 January 2023, 10.00am Ref: Land ID 34400 In accordance with Section 47 of the Local Government Act 1993 notice is given of Council’s proposed intention to grant a licence for rodeo events, including a five-year licence to Rodeo Association of Moruya within Lot 1 DP 1141031 Crown Reserve 580020, Moruya Showground. A copy of the report when Council considered this matter, and a copy of the current licence, can be found at:

  • Agenda of Ordinary Council Meeting - 22 November 2022

Information of the rodeo event format can be found at:

  • The Rodeo Association of Moruya Inc.: Moruya Rodeo

Written submissions regarding this proposal will be received by Council up to 10am on Tuesday 31 January 2023. Further information can be obtained from Leah Mills (please quote the land ID 34400):

  • T: 4474 1034

How to give your feedback To make a submission during the exhibition period, you can:

  • write a letter addressed to: The General Manager PO Box 99 Moruya NSW 2537

  • email


NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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