For its 15th consecutive year, Operation Trident has been put in place to crack down on the illegal harvesting of Seafood across NSW this Christmas.
This joint operation NSW Department of Primary Industries, the NSW Food Authority and NSW Police includes both covert and overt patrols and inspections across NSW and is designed to deter oyster theft and protect consumers against potentially unsafe black-market produce. Maximum fines of up to $275,000 and imprisonment apply.
NSW is known for producing a diverse range of delicious, fresh, and healthy seafood that is enjoyed by customers all over the world, and we want to keep it that way. We strongly urge the public not to consume Seafood products if they do not know where it has come from.
The public are urged to report illegal or suspected illegal fishing activities to the Fishers Watch Phoneline on 1800 043 536 or via the online report form here - and anyone with information on marine-related