Slope stabilisation on the Kings Highway at Clyde Mountain have started as part of the second stage of NSW Government funded Natural Disaster Recovery work.
A Transport for NSW spokesperson said this important work was necessary to improve safety and resilience on this vital stretch of highway.
“We’ve prioritised this work for the Kings Highway to improve safety for our customers, and prevent the land slips that have been experienced in the past during weather events,” the spokesperson said.
“Work includes installing soil nails and shotcrete to help stabilise the slopes in one key area, and rock bolting on other slopes. Additional remediation work including further rock bolting will be carried out early next year. “
“Safety is our number one priority, and we are committed to making the Kings Highway safer by installing up to 70 rock bolts along this stretch, at a total cost of $700,000.
“This safety measure will help prevent landslides from occurring at this location and help support up to 20 jobs.”
“Work will be carried out on weeknights from 15 November to 16 December to ensure this important work is completed in time for the Christmas break.
Motorists are advised of changed traffic conditions including a single lane closure under stop/slow traffic control from 7pm to 5am Monday to Thursday, weather permitting.
Traffic may also be stopped in both directions for up to 20 mins to move machinery.
Motorists are advised to allow additional travel time, drive to the conditions and follow the direction of signs and traffic control.