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Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Should MOGO be bypassed? Here is a chance to say so

Once the new four lane bridge is build that connects with the four lane Highway past the Botanic Gardens the entire show will come to a grinding halt in Mogo as the traffic for the next decade or two merge at the pinch point of Mogo shops and the narrow Mogo bridge right next to the Mogo Public School.

Image Google The expected increases in traffic over the coming years will include B-Doubles, adding to the already marked increases in semi-trailers bringing supplies or carting logs. With the reality of high visitation this summer to our two bustling villages of Bodalla and Mogo the issue of pedestrian safety is once again at the forefront of concerns held by residents and businesses. While the RMS continues to sit on its hands in addressing the thunderdome of Bodalla where pedestrians continue to place their life in their hands in attempting to cross from one side of the highway to the other it appears that pressure from the Mogo Business Chamber and social outcry may have encouraged Transport for NSW to explore ways to help make Mogo a safer place for pedestrians. Transport for NSW say "Improved pedestrian access to Mogo will help local businesses, support local tourism, and allow residents to easily access the town centre.

"We are inviting you to take part in a survey about pedestrian access in Mogo and what can be done to improve safety and connectivity in and around the Princes Highway." Q1- Are the existing pedestrian facilities on the Princes Highway in Mogo suitable? Q2-How important is parking in Mogo? Q3-Do you think there is sufficient parking in Mogo to support local and visitor trips? Q4-Please rate below in order what is most important to you in Mogo Q5-What improvements would you like to see to facilitate better pedestrian safety and connectivity in Mogo? You can complete the survey HERE

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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