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Screenshot 2023-06-13 180949.png
Writer's pictureThe Beagle


Anyone travelling to NSW who has been in Victoria after 4pm today (Thursday) must follow the stay-at-home measures that will apply in Victoria, which were announced by the Victorian Government this morning.

This means anyone arriving in NSW who has been in Victoria since 4pm today must remain at their home or place of residence in NSW for the seven-day duration of the Victorian measures.

People will only be permitted to leave their places of residence for limited reasons, including shopping for essential items, medical care, caregiving, outdoor exercise, and essential work or education, if you cannot do it from home.

People subject to the stay-at-home measures in Victoria should not be travelling to NSW unless they are permitted to do so.

NSW residents in border communities will have different requirements, recognising the daily interaction of residents in these communities with regional Victoria.

For NSW residents living along the Victorian border, the seven-day stay-at-home requirement will only apply to people who have been outside the border region in Victoria since 4pm today. The border communities are defined by the map which was used for the previous ‘bubble’ arrangements:

Anyone arriving in NSW by air, rail or road from Victoria (except those travelling within the defined border region) must complete a travel declaration that confirms they have not attended any of the growing number of venues of concern. Anyone who has attended a venue of concern must not travel to NSW; instead, they should follow the health advice on the Victorian Health website.

The declaration form is available on the Service NSW website, and can be completed in the 24-hour period before entering NSW or on arrival: The information gathered via the travel declarations is vital in allowing NSW Health to contact travellers if necessary.

NSW Health continues to urge people have been in Victoria since 12 May to check the Victoria Department of Health and Human Services website regularly to see if they have visited any of these venues of concern, and if so, immediately follow the relevant public health advice.

If you attended any of the venues identified at the times listed, please contact NSW Health’s contact tracing team immediately on 1800 943 553.

For other enquiries, call the National Coronavirus Helpline on 1800 020 080 (24-hour help line).

NSW strongly advises against all non-essential travel to Victoria at this time. People who do choose to travel will be required to follow the Victorian stay-at-home requirements on their return to NSW.

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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