The Princes Highway upgrade has taken a huge step forward with ARUP appointed to deliver the strategic business case for projects from south of Nowra to the Victorian border.
Minister for Regional Transport and Roads Paul Toole said the appointment was a major step in the continued transformation of the Princes Highway.
“The business case will determine the strategic priorities for the next stage of the Princes Highway upgrade as we work to deliver safer, more reliable journeys,” Mr Toole said.
Member for Bega Andrew Constance said the project is a once-in-a-generation opportunity and it is essential we get it right from the start.
“The projects will ensure better connected regional centres and help to grow regional economies while providing safer journeys for locals, visitors and freight,” Mr Constance said.
Member for South Coast Shelley Hancock said the community was recently invited to have their say on three priority projects including Jervis Bay Road intersection upgrade and the Milton Ulladulla and Moruya bypasses.
“Transport for NSW will consider all feedback before progressing each project further,” Mrs Hancock said.
Member for Kiama Gareth Ward said the Jervis Bay intersection upgrade, Milton Ulladulla bypass and Moruya bypass were all critical to the long-term future of the NSW South Coast.
“With the business case expected to be complete by the end of the year, we are well on the way to ensuing a safer and more efficient Princes Highway,” Mr Ward said.
Arup was selected to deliver the strategic business case after a competitive tender process designed to ensure best value for money for the NSW community.