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Writer's pictureThe Beagle

Supporting Wildlife on your Land Workshop Batemans Bay

Coastwatchers' Association is inviting Landholder's to a Supporting Wildlife on your Land workshop from 9.30-12 noon on Friday 21 October at the SEARMS Aboriginal Housing Corporation, 3 Museum Place, Batemans Bay.

The workshop is designed to provide advice for landholders who would like to support the recovery of wildlife on their land. You can come to all or just parts of the workshop that interest you.

There will be a Council Weed Swap taking place (bring a weed to swap for a native plant) before the start of the workshop from 8.30am. You are welcome to come early and take part in the weed swap and connect with your fellow landholders and landcare over a cuppa. Please advise dietary preferences for morning tea and lunch and RSVP (capacity 40) via Eventbrite link.

Program: 8.30 Registration, coffee, networking, Council Weedswap 9.30 Welcome to Country 9.45 Introduction 10 Eurobodalla Council Landholder Support and Nestbox project 10.20 Land for Wildlife 11 iNaturalist Australia - Digital citizens science to record wildlife on your property (see below) 11.20 Local Land Services - Pest animal management and how LLS can help 11.40 Fire reduction on properties - property planning - RFS 12 noon Lunch and iNaturalist practical in the Water Park

This is open to property holders in both the Eurobodalla and the Shoalhaven.

GER South Coast Bushfire Local Economic Recovery Fund 2022-2023

iNaturalist practical workshop - if you would like to take part in the iNaturalist practical please download the app on your phone before the workshop and create a login. Digital Citizens Science project options to join (Drop down arrow top rhs next to your profile pic to Projects) Animals of the Eurobodalla and Shoalhaven, Animals of East Lynne, Durras and Bawley Point and Plants of the Eurobodalla or Plants of the Shoalhaven

NOTE: Comments were TRIALED - in the end it failed as humans will be humans and it turned into a pile of merde; only contributed to by just a handful who did little to add to the conversation of the issue at hand. Anyone who would like to contribute an opinion are encouraged to send in a Letter to the Editor where it might be considered for publication

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