Moruya River.
We have had yet another great week in the Moruya system, with nice numbers of fish being reported. A pleasant surprise has been the numbers of good sized tailor that have made their way back into the system. They have been concentrated from quarry wharf down past Preddy’s wharf and down to the river entrance. Small metals cast and retrieved work well, as have baits with a bit of bite protection. White bait on size 2 gang hooks being a prime example.
If you can get a bait down underneath any tailor schools, you will most likely find a few nice sized flathead, that will be picking up any scraps that the choppers have missed.
The flats around the airport have been holding a few nice whiting that can be enticed on surface popper style lures, they can also be found in behind the hole in The wall. This same area, holds some nice bream on a rising tide in and around the oyster racks. Soft plastics, poppers, hard body lures and bait can all tempt a few bream to come out of the racks.
The northern bank from the bridge down to Malabar creek is a great stretch to walk the bank throwing soft plastics for a few nice flathead, or get comfy with some bait and burley and have the fish come to you.
Under the town bridge after dark on the rising to full tide, the flats under the bridge are holding good numbers of flathead, bream and the odd estuary perch. If you don’t mind a night session, some good fish can be taken here.
Tuross River.
This is going to be a very busy system this weekend, with the annual Tuross Bream & Flathead comp on this Canberra day long weekend. There is going to be a lot of activity here, with I believe over 200 entrants signed up for the weekend’s competition. The systems has been producing some very nice flathead for those that know where to look. This last week alone has produced at least 1 flathead over the magic 1m mark and another at 98cm. Please remember to support any big fish for the obligatory happy snap before releasing it. Please don’t hang the fish vertically as you will most likely be doing substantial damage to the fish in the process.
There have been good numbers of big whiting available on the flats for those using squirt worms as bait or on surface popper style lures. Whiting are like a kid with ADHD, once the lure stops moving those loose attention. So keep that surface lure moving in a quickish erratic action, and you should have 3 or 4 whiting shouldering each other out of the way to chase your lure. Bream on the other hand prefer a pause on the surface lure, so it pays to be able to work out what fish you are casting to. A good pair of polarised sunnies can be the difference to knowing what you are casting to and guessing.
The fish have been active throughout the system, which is good given the number of anglers entered this weekend. I can see that there will boats from the front of the system all the way to the back of the system this weekend. Good luck to all those who have entered.
Rock and beach.
Salmon and tailor have been the norm on the beaches this week, with a few bream and whiting in the gutters at your feet. For the bream and whiting, try the areas adjacent to rocky headlands that will offer some mixed ground. There continue to be some good drummer from the rocks, with reports of bonito available early morning from the stones. Kingfish are also a possibility to turn up given the water temps at the moment. Early morning will be the best time before the wind comes up, and Saturday will be the pick of the days.
Snapper, flathead, gummies, tuna & Marlin have all been reported this last week. The currents are strong and warm at the moment with off shore waters hitting 25 degrees and full of slimies in areas. What ever you are after, keep an eye on the weather conditions as there is a bit of wind forecast this weekend and a bit of rain for Sunday.
Moruya Bar camera is a great asset to all offshore boaties looking to head out.

We currently have a great deal running on all Atomic Arrowz rods in store at the moment, with 25% off RRP for the month of March. The sale ends at the end of the month. So if you were looking at a new Atomic Arrowz rod, we have them in store to suit the bream guys all the way up to the land based casting and beach guys. Come in and have a look.
The bait freezer is again well stocked for the weekend, worms, mullet fillet and whole mullet are still unavailable at the moment.
I am happy to say we have had a bit of interest in the casual weekend position we have been advertising for a while now, but we are still continuing to take resumes at the moment. So please if you know anyone or are interested yourself, drop in and hand in a resume.
Stay safe everyone, and remember “every days a good day for fishing…”
Team Tackle World Moruya.