This Test & Tag training run by IWP Training, has been designed to give you all the skills and competency required to begin testing and tagging electrical equipment. This is a great opportunity for community groups to save money on their annual Test and Tag inspection fees.
Upon satisfactory completion of the training, Participants will be issued with a Statement of Attainment which is Nationally Recognised within the Australian Qualifications Framework and issued under authority of the National Vocational Education and Regulator Act 2011.
Course Topics
• Legal Aspects of Testing and tagging
• Plan and prepare to test cord connected apparatus and cord assemblies
• Test and tag cord connected apparatus and cord assemblies
• Document testing activities
• Conclude testing and tagging activities
Participants will need to bring
• Wear comfortable and practical clothing
• If you have your own PAT machine please bring it with you
• Morning tea included
IWP Training
• RTO Code 91671
• (USI) Number-Unique Student Identification. If you do not have a USI one can be obtained from
• Be a minimum of 18 years of age
• Photo proof of ID (drivers licence/Passport)
• Have the necessary levels of health and fitness to safely carry out test & tag work
• Have basic numeracy skills
• Demonstrate ability to speak and write English to a basic level
Note: Please inform us upon registration If you feel you have any literacy or numeracy difficulties. Some reasonable adjustments to the course can be made to assist.
Please contact Repurposing for Resilience to make a booking or for more information on the link button or or 0499 864 970 Full payment by direct transfer required at booking.
This initiative has been supported by WWF-Australia.