The Beagle gained a mention on last nights Media Watch, having called out the Australian Community Media (ACM) foreboding headlines that dark days are ahead for local news and that local news is in peril unless the NSW Government and local Councils step in to provide advertising.

The Bay Post and Narooma News were among the many regional and rural ACM mastheads who chose to use their front pages as a political stunt in order to "shame" the government into keeping them afloat, insinuating the demise of their publications if their challenge was not met. The Beagle, along with the independent Port Stephens based News of the Area saw the stunt for what it was and called it out. The Beagle published the article: ACM: Crying poor again but without substance
to offer opinion on the boy-cry-wolf ACM demands. The News of the Area have also offered their perspective on the matter with their article:
Above: an excellent article in News of the Area that is well worth the read - and be sure to explore their website to see the diversity, the professionalism, the inclusion and the capacity that has risen to take on the mediocrity that ACM has become.
With more and more local independent newspapers coming on board, such as the News of the Area it might well be dark days ahead, filled with doom and peril, for ACM publications as they continue to fail to realise that it is their model, and their flagging, cloned content in their ever diminishing papers that is the cause of their own demise.