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Not many community newspapers operated by volunteers have survived through the years, but our very own Triangle is still going strong.
The initial seed of an idea apparently came from a discussion between Rosemary Millard and Louise Brown when Rosemary expressed her concern that the ‘lost triangle’ between Bega and Narooma was neglected as far as local news was concerned. That was way back in 2002. I bet they had no idea it would be still operating in 2022, twenty years later. Louise is quoted in 2013 when she stepped aside, ‘You can create something, but it can only be deemed a success if it survives when you walk away’. It has survived.
On reading through The Triangle from the very beginning, it is amazing how much the production has changed in look but also how similar it is in the types of articles and issues that frequently appear. We now have a monthly print run of 1800 copies of 40 pages on average, two colours on the front and back covers, the photos are clear and the printing is professional. Layout is precise. The other very interesting fact is how similar the subject matters are – climate change, environmental issues, greening the environment, permaculture … and bushfires. It is very interesting to see the progress and development of our paper, what has been tried, what has stayed or what hasn’t.
The sheer number of people who have been involved is impressive, but also in contrast to that how consistent the committee has been over the twenty years. Some people worked on The Triangle for over ten years! See the list below (or on the next page). ones. Some businesses have been supporting us from the get go – Marshall and Tacheci, Cobargo Hotel, Cobargo Co-op, Miracles by the Sea, 777, Dromedary Hotel, Benny’s Butchery and By Hook or by Crook. I’m sure there are others I have missed out. Thank you, we wouldn’t be here without your support. Sadly, some long-term businesses are with us no more: Salt Water, Antes Pizza, Train Stop Café, Bangles Gallery and Cobargo Home Brew Supply to name a few.
Some or our regular sections have made it through the twenty years such as Tilba, Cobargo, and Bermagui sections, My Triangle profiles, Service Directory, Thumbs (up and down), the Entertainment page – changed to Fridge Door, Garden Magic – changed to Gardening Gabble, Quintessentially Quaama (joined in 2008) and the Book Review (joined in 2009). R We have had lots of other sections some of you might remember over the years like the Police Report, Sporting News, Brogo Babble, Mullet Ova (the fishing report), Blokes of the Triangle, Horse Hype and Water Watch. It would be great to see those sections make a comeback.
From being a print-only community newspaper, we gained a virtual presence as part of the site initially, before setting up our own domain in 2015. Colour front pages made a big impact in 2015. And now we have a newly redesigned website. We have really progressed from a humble, small publication 20 YEARS The advertisers too are important.
This publication survives thanks to the support of our advertisers, especially the long-term to something the committee and all the Triangle community can be proud of. And what a marvellous record it is of this area – the issues that mattered enough for people to write about it. The Triangle is now well established as an integral part of the community. Let’s hope it has another 20 years of life in it. Triangle Editorial by Deb Worgan