There were 32 bowlers on the green on an overcast morning, not as hot as predicted.
Treasurer Tony Birmingham took over proceedings reminding us that
names for Christmas Cruise on 11th December have to be in by next Sunday.
Welcome to Ian Taylor from Canberra/Mossy Point and Rod Bizzell friend of Pedro!!
Winners were those with Highest Winning Margin +30 in a Triples game.
John Signor, Peter Crowe just back from a lovely cruise and Ellie Crompton.
Runners-up +18 on a countback, Sue Bender, two weeks in a row and Kane Malone.
Other winning teams, Margaret Carney, Tricia Wheeler and Ian Taylor.
Karen Crowe and Sally Malone had a Draw with Roz Greenhalgh and Brian Wheeler.
Neil " Smoothie" Mather and Patrick " Irish " Wheelahan.
Janet Smith and Smiley McGregor. Alma Scott and Milka Starkovski.
Ellie selected Rink 14 to try for Jackpot of $500, Kane cut the cards but no Joker.
Lucky number winners on 20, Moby Dick , 24, Bung Birmingham.