There were 35 Twisties on Sunday on a warm but rainy morning, all teams finished 18 ends with only a short break with the rain.
Before bowling commenced we all enjoyed a barbecue breakfast cooked and served by our fabulous committee, thank you guys and girls.
A corner to corner competition was bowled , money collected will be donated to Charity, the winner to receive the John Booth Trophy.
Congratulations to Final winner Roland " Breadroll" Krikowa. Happy Birthday to Jennie Hogan who celebrated a very special Birthday this week, also to Laurie's friend Rhyleigh who will have a Birthday tomorrow.
Winners with The Most Winning Ends, +21 , Alma Scott and Steven Hogan.
Runners-up, +13 , Michael Voce and Margaret Carney with Tony Birmingham.
Other winning teams, Beth Wittington, Trevor Innes and Karen Signor. Laurie and Rhyleigh sharing game, with Jennie Hogan and Helena Megee. Duke and Henry Butler. Bob Starkovski and Karen James . Milka Starkovski and Greg Megee aka Papa Smurf !!
Rink 2 was selected to try for Jackpot, winning Skip Helena Megee cut the cards and found the Joker, so two very happy teams sharing $500.
Lucky number winners, 15, Max Gurtner, 23, Karen Signor.

Winners, Steven Hogan & Alma Scott.