President Steven Hogan welcomed 30 Twisties on a beautiful warm sunny Winter's morning . Steve reminded us AGM is on 9th July, also Membership is due and money for trip away in October.
Winners were those with Most Winning Ends + 15.
Ute Krook with Barrie Stone and Steven Hogan sharing a half game.
Runners-up +14, Margaret Carney with Val and Mark Toyer.
Barrie selected Rink 1 to try for Jackpot, Skip Steve Hogan cut cards coming up with 9 of Diamonds he was 1 off the Joker, unlucky!!
Other winning teams, Robyn Best and Milka Starkovski. Michael Voce and Dick Morley. Tricia Wheeler and Neil Mather. Ruth Ebsworth and Patrick Wheelahan. Sue Bender and Henry Butler.
Lucky number winners, 20 " Moby Dick", 26 " Trish The Dish".
Happy Birthday Wishes to Brian Wheeler on Tuesday 13th.

Above: Winners Barrie Stone, Ute Krook ,Steven Hogan.