What a glorious morning for bowls, beautiful sunshine after the very windy weather yesterday.
President Steve Hogan welcomed 18 Twisties who were bowling until 10 am before going indoors to Club Tomakin for 2023/24 AGM. Welcome to visitor Colin Fox from Belconnen Bowling Club.
Sticks were called for positions in 3 Triples and 1 Pairs game.
Winning teams, Tony Dobson and Tony Birmingham. Sue Bender, Robyn Best and Brian Wheeler. Ruth Ebsworth, Colin Fox and Smiley McGregor. Tricia Wheeler, Karen Crowe and Patrick Wheelahan.
What a game Patrick , also known as “ Irish” , he never missed a trick with some great bowling.
Before commencement of General meeting then AGM, Di Montgomerie and Annie Birminghan marked off names to make sure all who attended were financial members. There are now 60 Financial members. President Steve Hogan welcomed everyone to general meeting and all Reports were read. Tony Birmingham was thanked for the 10 years he has served on committee also 8 years as Treasurer.
Steve announced that long time bowlers Bev and Doug Sheehan were having some challenges so as they are not bowling any more have donated their bowls to Twist Tops for anyone who may need them. We are all thinking of you both as you face the time ahead .
Faye Conno, past Tomakin Bowls member also Club Tomakin Board member, was Chairperson for AGM. Robbie Murdock and Brian Wheeler were Scrutineers for election of committee members as all other positions there were no other nominations.
Congratulations to all members who have been elected.
President Steve Hogan, Vice-President Terry Montgomerie, Secretary Jennie Hogan, Treasurer Karen James, Committee members, Dick Morley, Tony Dobson and Rob McGregor.

Above: Newly elected committee, Dick Morley, Terry Montgomerie Rob McGregor, Steve Hogan, Tony Dobson, Jennie Hogan.
Lunch and drinks were provided after AGM for those who were able to stay.