The Batemans Bay Evening View Club had an enjoyable meeting on Wednesday 12 July 2023. Our meeting was held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club and our numbers are still down a bit due to colds and infections and the cold weather. We all enjoyed a delicious meal before enjoying some fun with a trivia quiz.
President Julie presented a chocolate to member Coral for her birthday.
One of our major fundraisers this year is the raffle of a beautiful rug crocheted by our member Tracy. The rug is on display in at Whilby Loved at the Village Centre and tickets are available. The Batemans Bay Evening View Club sponsors 6 students fully and 1 student partially (with our Region) and to do this we need to raise about $5000 each year. We also support the Smith Family Toy and Book Appeal each year with about $500.
The monthly meetings are held at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club. The next meeting of the Batemans Bay Evening View Club will be held on Wednesday 10 August 2022 at the Batemans Bay Soldiers Club 6.00 pm for 6.30 pm at a cost of $25.00. Visitors and guests are always welcome to come and join everyone and enjoy an evening with women from all walks of life and listening to a great guest speaker. For all enquiries please contact Julie on 0408 215 553 or Anita on 0447 114 198.
Our guest speaker for August will be Jesse Tonge and Grace Reisima from Batemans Bay Rural Fire Service to talk about fire safety and making sure we are ready for the coming fire season. August is always a good time of the year to think about Fire Plans and the coming fire season.
VIEW stands for Voice, Interests and Education of Women and supports the Smith Family and the Learning for Life Program and helping young Australians in need to get the most out of their education. The Batemans Bay Evening View Club was established in 1997 for women interested in meeting regularly with other women from all walks of life, providing them with an outlet to help others, as well as establishing lasting friendships and contributing to the community.

Above: Coral receiving birthday chocolate from President Julie

Above: Rug to be raffled as a major fundraiser